
class PushNotificationClickedHyperskillAnalyticEvent(pushNotificationData: PushNotificationData) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent

Represents click on the remote push notification analytic event.

When the user interacts with remote notifications through the notification center or pop-up.

JSON payload:

"route": "None",
"action": "click",
"part": "notification",
"type": "STREAK_THREE" || "SELECT_FIRST_TRACK" || ...,
"category": "Routine learning" || "Re-engagement" || ...,
"image": "https://hyperskill.org/image.png",
"notification_id": "12345"


constructor(pushNotificationData: PushNotificationData)


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Event action, for example: click, view.

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val context: Map<String, Any>? = null

Context that describes an event, for example: stepId, notificationId.

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open override val name: String
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open override val params: Map<String, Any>
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Event part where action occurred, for example: main, step_hints.

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Event route path, for example: /home, /onboarding.

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override val sources: Set<AnalyticSource>
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Target that triggered event, for example: send, refresh.