Package-level declarations
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class NotificationsOnboardingClickedAllowNotificationsHyperskillAnalyticEvent(selectedDailyStudyRemindersStartHour: Int) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents click on the "Allow notifications" button analytic event.
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class NotificationsOnboardingClickedDailyStudyRemindsIntervalHourHyperskillAnalyticEvent(currentDailyStudyRemindersStartHour: Int) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents click on the daily study reminds formatted time button analytic event.
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Represents click on the "Remind me later" button analytic event.
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class NotificationsOnboardingDailyStudyRemindersIntervalPickerModalClickedConfirmHyperskillAnalyticEvent(selectedDailyStudyRemindersStartHour: Int) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a click on the "Confirm" button of the daily study reminders hour interval picker modal analytic event.
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object NotificationsOnboardingDailyStudyRemindersIntervalPickerModalHiddenHyperskillAnalyticEvent : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a hidden analytic event of the daily study reminders hour interval picker modal.
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object NotificationsOnboardingDailyStudyRemindersIntervalPickerModalShownHyperskillAnalyticEvent : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a shown analytic event of the daily study reminders hour interval picker modal.
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Represents a view analytic event.