Package-level declarations
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class NotificationDailyStudyReminderClickedHyperskillAnalyticEvent(notificationId: Int) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents click on the local daily study notification analytic event.
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class NotificationDailyStudyReminderShownHyperskillAnalyticEvent(notificationId: Int, plannedAtISO8601: String?) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents show of the local daily study notification analytic event. When the local notifications scheduled.
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class NotificationSystemNoticeHiddenHyperskillAnalyticEvent(val route: HyperskillAnalyticRoute = HyperskillAnalyticRoute.None, isAllowed: Boolean) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a hidden analytic event of the system prompt to authorize the requested interactions with the local and remote notifications for the app.
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class NotificationSystemNoticeShownHyperskillAnalyticEvent(val route: HyperskillAnalyticRoute = HyperskillAnalyticRoute.None) : HyperskillAnalyticEvent
Represents a shown analytic event of the system prompt to authorize the requested interactions with the local and remote notifications for the app.