Package-level declarations
Represents a click on "Continue with social networks" button analytic event.
Represents a click on "Reset password" button analytic event.
Represents a click on "Sign in" button analytic event.
Represents a failed authentication with credential event.
Represents a view analytic event.
Represents an analytic event when user signs in, e.g. logged in into existed account.
Represents an analytic event when user signs in, e.g. logged in into existed account.
Represents an analytic event when user signs up, e.g. account is created.
Represents an analytic event when user signs up, e.g. account is created.
Represents a click on "Continue with email" button analytic event.
Represents a click on sign in with social auth provider button analytic event.
Represents a failed authentication via social auth provider event.
Represents a view analytic event.